SWRC SL044 Turbidity/CTD/PAR Logger

This is data from logger #044, located at WCC720, in the foreset area upstream from SWRC.
The logger is equipped with a Decagon CTD which measures water conductivity, temperature, and depth;
and a Campbell Scientific OBS3+ which measures turbidity in two ranges.

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Latest readings:

At 2022-07-28 13:35:10 EST:
CTD Depth= 39.8mm, CTD Temp= 20.9 degreesC, CTD Conductivity= 225.5 uS/cm
PAR= ; Turbidity Low= 3.9 NTU, Turbidity High= 8.6 NTU
Board Temp= 33.5 degreesC; Battery= 4.27 volts

Historic Data

Water depth

